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Franklin Scott,
esq. of Scott, Scott and Goldstein Law Firm
(2/15/2005)- On behalf of my client, your wife, I must object to this
engagement on the grounds that you are not yet divorced from your wife.
Moreover, my client will only settle if she is permitted to keep her sheital. |
Phillip Goldstein,
esq. of Scott, Scott and Goldstein Law Firm
(2/16/2005)- Firstly I'd like to wish mazal tov to my client on getting
engaged to his bashert. May you build a bayis neaman b'yisrael. Secondly, my
client is willing to go to great lengths to stay with his fiancee, his
previous wife's sheital. He will offer your client both the house and car if
he can keep his beloved sheital. |
Franklin Scott,
esq. of Scott, Scott and Goldstein Law Firm
(2/16/2005)- The house and car do not even equal the monetary value of the
sheital let alone exceed it. That is not a deal my client would even
consider accepting. |
Mrs. A. Schecter
(2/17/2005)- I will fight to make sure this wedding does not go ahead. All
those years, I trusted you, I allowed you to live in our room in close
proximity to MY husband. Slowly but surely it became clear there were three
of us in this marriage!!! Besides which, my sheitel, despite being of
Eastern European descent, she is not even Jewish. You'll never get a ketubah. |
Aharon Schecter
(2/17/2005)- To my beloved sheital. I am so excited to be able to marry you.
Ever since you stared down at me from your polystyrene head with your near
perfect straight hair and faux human scalp, I could not resist you. And as
you lay seductively on my ex-wife's bed, I knew it was you not my wife that
I truly loved. You are so life like. I look forward to many happy days ahead
as soon as my divorce goes through!!! |
Beth Din D'Chumros
U'Tipshus (2/18/2005)-
Getting engaged before the conversion process is completed is unacceptable.
We accept that the sheital has spent many years living as part of a Jewish
household observing halacha which has helped to fast track the conversion
process somewhat. However the sheital's refusal to go to the mikveh on the
grounds that she can not risk becoming frizzy is holding up the conversion
process. |

Posted by
Rabbi Joe
(2/18/2005)- I
am currently looking into the sugya to see if dry-cleaning counts as mikvah. |