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Mordechai Blumenkranz
(3/20/2005)- Gedalia you wimp, when I saw your aliyah posted on Only Simchas, I knew you wouldn't make it. I knew you would come running home. You never have the courage to do anything you believe in. And, you probably didn't even eat that felafel for me. My family, however plans to move soon, and we're going to stay.
by Baruch Goldstein
(3/20/2005)- Mordechai and Esther: Well done on your big decision. Let us know where you will be. I hope your big step becomes an easy stride! We no how commmited you are and how much this means to you, if anyone can do it, you can, unlike some people I know of.
Gedalia and Ruth: How could chicken out after only six days. You were planning this for so long, and we know how much it meant to you. We're ashamed to call you our friends. |
by Chavy Blume
(3/20/2005)- OMG! OMG! U 2 came back. I never new u guys missed us and wanted 2 c us so much! i think its gr8 how anchored u r 2 our community. May we all b like u! |
by Tiki Rosenfield
(3/20/2005)-Oh No! u guys moved back. Now I'll be so lonely when I go 2 israel next year. How could u do this 2 me. XO Tiki |