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Sarah Green
(4/25/2004)- Very nice pictures. I'm so happy for you. And it's so great to see everyone dressed up so nicely, especially Aunt Sally and of course the cutest little bark mitzvah boy ever. All except Cousin Earl, of course. He ALWAYS has to ruin everything.
 Posted by
Rabbi Laura Smith
(4/27/2004)- Don't worry about cousin earl. A bark mitzvah is not about the fancy clothes the guests wear or the music, or the delicious dog treats. Those are all part of it, sure. A big part. But It's really about coming of age to fulfill the torah obligations of doghood, whatever they may be. And judging by the way Fifi licked the Tanach, he or she or it (You can't tell anymore) seems ready to face those obligations. |
 Posted by
David Frankel
(4/27/2004) Mazal Tov Mazal Tov. My wife and I really enjoyed ourselves. But we couldn't help but wonder. Fifi is less than two years old, and I believe that bark mitzvah age is always 13. How could you give him a bark mitzvah now? |
(4/27/2004)- It's true he is only almost two human years old. But
every human year is seven dog years, making Fifi 13 dog years,and I
believe the halachah holds by dog years. Isn't that right Rabbi? |
Laura Smith
(4/29/2004)- Well it's actually a machlokes. In her
comprehensive book on the subject, Rabbi Wendy Baum cites a
Gemorah in Maseches Bava Basra, which she says indicates that
bark mitzvahs go by the solar year. But Rabbi Tina Brown is sure
that Rashi stated somewhere that the Gemara meant something
completely different, and so she states we go by dog years. I
personally feel it goes by the dog. And you can see by the way
this dog didn't chew up his teffilin that he was completely
ready for a bark mitzvah. |

Posted by
Yossi Goldenshplatt
(4/29/2004)- What's going on here? Female Rabbis leading fake
religious events. And using fake Pilpul to learn fake halacha.
Not to mention giving teffilin to a dog. I must put a stop to
this religious mockery at once. Starting now I hereby put the
dog in cherem, seeing as he is the ringleader. I'll let the rest
of you off with a warning. You be careful next time. |