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(11/11/04)- We all saw it! Little Tzippi, the tochter of the Rebbe, walking
along the streets of Boro Park, obviously pregnant, at only seventeen years
old! Avadeh! We were all there when it started, under the chuppah at Madison
Square Garden. Leiby Tzefoigenflatt, the son of the Flatulancer Rebbe, put
some sort of ring on Tzippi's finger! In public! In front of thousands of
chassidim! This shocking display of negiah obviously started something that
they couldn't control and this teenage pregnancy is the result! |
by Devora
(11/11/04)- OMG OMG I can't believe it I am so envious here I am almost 18
and I still havent found a shidduch soon it will be to late and I will only
be able to pick from the leftovers. |
by Esther
(11/12/04)- I am so proud for you I am 18 and pregnant with my second, im
yirtzeh Hashem you will follow in my footsteps and raise a groisa mishpacha
with your lovely husband. |
by Shadchans R Us
(11/12/04)- Tzippi we are very happy for you that your shidduch worked out.
Devora, there is still hope for you or anyone who is already out of high
school or still in high school just call 1-800-shi-duch and for a minimal
fee we will set you up with a lovely kollel guy. |
by Cardinal John Paul O'Mally III
(11/15/045)- Don't feel so bad we also find some of our daughters getting
pregnant, its a tragedy fresh out of Catholic School and getting married
instead of going on to seminary at a convent, like the wonderful Convent of
Saint Theocritus, to become a Nun, instead they choose to commit the
horrible sin of getting married, may they all burn. Anyway, Mazal Tov
Tzippi. |