Post Message | Show all 11 posts
 Posted by
Arafat (7/3/1994) - I've
been wanting to make aliyah for so long- ever since I became a
Palestinian citizen! I am so excited that I almost forgot to call
Israel "the zionist entity" the other day. |
 Posted by Bill
Clinton (7/4/1994) - Shalom
and Salaam! I am so happy for you, Arafat! Don't forget to write- I
miss you so much already. Let's do another peace talk soon, k? |
 Posted by Yitzhak
Rabin (7/5/1994) -
Congratulations, Yasser! I'll see you and Shimon in December. You know
what I'm talking about! You always were such a nobel guy. ;) |
 Posted by Suha
Arafat (7/5/1994) - Yasser, isn't this the best thing
ever? Now we can be mekayem the mitzvot hat'luyot ba'aretz! Did you
know that every 4 Jews you kill in Palestine is a mitzvah? |
 Posted by Yasser
Arafat (7/6/1994)
- Yitzhak, you are a good friend of mine and I love you like a brother,
but I must tell you that your hands are so sweaty. I never want to
shake it again! Hahahaha! I am kidding, of course- I am such a kidder.
Kisses! XOXOX |
 Posted by Elad
Ben-Ami (7/6/1994)
- What is up with all you people? Arafat is a murderer and a terrorist!
He'd just as soon see you dead as shake your hand- how can everyone be
so blind? |
 Posted by Yasser
Arafat (7/10/1994)
- We want peace- we are committed to peace, and we want to live in our
Palestinian state and let others live. Why is this so difficult for you
Zionists to understand? We Palestinians are a simple people. We are
living a simple life. Many Palestinians that I know- they just work
with fertilizer all day from morning to night. All we are
is for you zionists to stop teaching your children to hate us and
murder us. Is that too much to ask? Why can we not all live in
peace? |
 Posted by Elad
Ben-Ami (7/11/1994)
- Arafat, you two-faced lying scum. You wrap lies within lies. It would
take an hour just to deal with all the lies you heap into a single
sentence. How can you claim that the Palestinians just want peace when
the Palestinian charter clearly calls for violent attacks against
Israel? |
 Posted by Yasser
Arafat (7/13/1994)
- First of all, you are speaking to General Arafat. You haven't right
to ask me these questions. I refuse, from you, to ask me this question,
as I am refusing any person to speak with me with this
language. |
 Posted by Hanan
Ashrawi (7/13/1994)
- OMG OMG OMG! Now we can be neighbors again! I'm so exited, I can't
sit still! I'm going to do a little dance now to celebrate! WOO HOO! |
 Posted by Yasser
Arafat (10/21/1996)
- We know only one word - jihad. jihad, jihad, jihad. Whoever does not
like it can drink from the Dead Sea or from the Sea of Gaza. What?! Am
I speaking English? Never mind. |